Jonathan is a pretty good eater, but his very favorite thing is a sippy cup with milk. He also likes vegetable soup, pb&j, biscuits, chick-fil-a nuggets, fries, apples, bananas, grapes, applesauce and yogurt. He loves using a fork and spoon just like the rest of us. Music is a fun activity for him. He loves playing our instruments and singing with us. Yesterday he started doing the motions to "Itsy Bitsy Spider" as I was singing it to him. He loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Little Einsteins. He calls them "Mi Mou" and "Ein-Nines."
He has always been a huge talker, jabbering constantly but in a very conversational way. He mimics our intonations and now has started echoing more and more words and phrases. When we get in the car and buckle up, he says, "Ready! Ready!" I made a quick list the other day and I think he has over sixty words. We are definitely in the language explosion phase that I love.
His favorite playtime activities are play-doh in his high chair, blocks, books and balls. He loves Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (calls it Boom Boom), a Thomas book, and Mommies Say Shhh! He is beginning to love Thomas and we are so glad. The train table has gotten a bit dusty. Jonathan loves to go to the swimming pool, and we can't wait to see him at the lake this summer. He is climbing up on everything and is so proud of himself when he makes it to a chair or the sofa without help. At the end of the day his happy has just about run out, so we have picked snuggle time back up. And oh do we love it.
We are watching his little personality and preferences emerge daily. This is such a fun age at our house! He interacts with his brothers very well, and is super loving. We are so very thankful he is our yahoo.
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