Wednesday, July 7, 2010

First Haircut

Monday we got Jonathan's first haircut. We went to Whelchel's, where all the other yahoos get their hair cut. The shop was empty so we wouldn't have had to wait at all, except that Mr. Buddy was finishing his tomato sandwich for lunch in the back room. As soon as his lunch was over, he got to work cutting Jonathan's hair. I held Andrew and Coleman in my lap for their first haircuts, but Buddy thought it would be better if Jonathan sat on the little board and I just held onto him.

Just like his brothers, he did really well. He only cried a little, and I think it was just because Buddy covered his eyes and Jonathan didn't know what was going on. Other than that, he was a champ. We kept a few locks of the hair he came with for his baby book. We are really enjoying his new look. And fortunately, he doesn't look like a completely different baby the way I was afraid he would. I think Mr. Buddy got a big kick out of him. I'm sure he doesn't do many first haircuts. Here are some of the many pictures Brent made.

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