Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fun at Nana and Pop-O's

Saturday we went to Nana and Pop-O's for a family Easter celebration. Uncle Chris and Aunt Margie and the cousins were there too. We hadn't seen them since July, and they hadn't met Jonathan, so it was a fun day. Granny and Grandaddy were able to come for part of the day too. There are a lot of pictures so consider yourself warned. ;)

We took a yummy picnic to the park for lunch.

Nana ordered cupcakes from Publix. They were a big hit with the yahoos.

It was pretty windy under the shelter. You can see some potato chips blew into Jonathan's seat.

Then we walked down to the train and the playground.

After a nap at home, we had an egg hunt in the backyard. I have no idea what Andrew is making such a crazy face about.

This was only Coleman's second egg hunt, but he did really well.

the cousins (minus Jonathan) checking out their haul

Lily and Amelia both really liked baby Jonathan.

While we waited for the pizza to arrive, we just played outside. Everyone had brought bikes, trikes, and other yard toys. They had a blast!
After all that activity, we found them "relaxing" in the chairs in the garage.
It took about two minutes for our boys to fall asleep that night. Nana said it took her less time than that! Such fun!!

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