Friday, May 7, 2010

Great Catch!

Last weekend we went to Lake Sinclair for the Coleman family reunion. We had fun seeing cousins and aunts and uncles we had not seen in eight years. The boys had never been, and so it was fun to introduce them to everyone. In the past, a big part of the reunion has been making pictures of different groups of people. Different generations of cousins, different branches of the family, the "outlaws" (the inlaws), but this year we didn't get around to that. It was 90+ degrees that afternoon, which no one was expecting. I think that had something to do with it. I mean, who wants to stand around in the sun, gathering different bunches of people with someone always being missing and having to wait on them, and then smile and try not to close your eyes and look ever so glad and happy to be doing this instead of sitting on the porch in the shade with your iced tea?

The yahoos had a great time though. They spent the hot afternoon down at the dock with Brent and Papack fishing, and Andrew caught a catfish! Thanks to Papack's phone, we have a couple of pictures to share. He was super proud and excited about his catch.

We're already looking forward to next year.

1 comment:

Tina said...

First fish - what a special memory! I'm so glad a phone was handy.