Thursday, May 19, 2011

Backing Up a Bit

I realized that I haven't posted a couple of items from earlier this spring, so here they are. The bigger boys had spring break for a week in March. I asked them at the beginning of the week what were some fun things they wanted to do during their week off. They each had only one request. Coleman wanted to go eat lunch with his Daddy at his office. We did that on Monday, but I cannot get the picture to upload.

Andrew asked to go to Monkey Joe's. So we did that on Tuesday and then ate lunch at The Collegiate. Here is a picture of all the monkeys.

Also, I missed our St. Patrick's Day activities. Here is Coleman mixing up our rainbow cupcakes.

He and Andrew both stood at the counter and stirred the coloring into the different batter bowls. I heard some commotion behind me and looked around to see what was going on. Jonathan had gone to his dish drawer and gotten out a bowl and spoon and was stirring away. He was super proud of himself!

And here are the yahoos with the cupcakes that night. Please no comments about Coleman's hysterical expression.

We also repeated the Froot Loop rainbows. They went a lot better this year.

Tomorrow we'll be back to our end of school activities.

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