Monday, August 23, 2010


Coleman Joe is three years old today! We have had such a sweet start to his celebration. When he woke up this morning and came in the kitchen, I picked him up and told him, "Happy Birthday Coleman!" He hugged me back and said, "Happy Birthday Mommy!" Then I asked him how old he was today. He said, "Two. I mean, three!" We have been talking all weekend about his birthday and helping him practice holding up three fingers. The big boy has school this morning, so off we went after a birthday breakfast. Jonathan and I are taking cupcakes to his class in a bit. We'll celebrate tonight with more presents, and then his friend party is Saturday followed by a family party on Sunday. Here's a quick look back at Coleman on his birthdays.

2007, as Brent says, "right out of the chute"

2008, 1 year old
2009, 2 years old

2010, 3 years old


Erin said...

Happy Birthday, Coleman!! :)

Tina said...

Happy Birthday, Coleman! I look forward to seeing all the birthday celebration pics!