Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Family Movie Night 2010
About a year ago, we started Family Movie Night on Fridays. We have pizza on paper plates for supper, get the yahoos a quick bath, and then start the movie. They sit on a beach towel to eat their popcorn, the true highlight of the night, and then join us on the sofa for the rest of the movie. Now that Jonathan is a little bigger, the movie usually starts a little before his bedtime. This particular week, I had set him in the floor with his toys to play until it was time for him to say night night. He was fine and happy until he saw the brothers with their popcorn. He wasn't crawling yet, but he tried his hardest to get to their snack. We fixed him a cup of Cheerios and he was perfectly happy to sit and watch the movie like a big boy.

Friday, September 24, 2010
We have had a few afternoons lately where it has been cool (term used loosely) enough to play outside after naps. All the yahoos enjoy this, as do I. They can run off some energy, and I can read a magazine and sip some sweet tea.
For his birthday, Coleman received some money and decided to use it on a helmet and knee pads for his tricycle. We went to Target and picked it out last week. I so wish I had had my camera with me, because he wore the helmet, still with the cardboard surround, all the way through the store and home. It looked hilariously cute. This is the best shot I've been able to get of him wearing it while riding. He absolutely loves zooming around the driveway on his new wheels.

Jonathan has the best time sitting in his pack and play with his Cheerios and toys. I think he really enjoys the change of scenery and watching and listening to his brothers.

Get me a spoon and I'll eat him up!
Andrew is the chief activity director in the afternoons. He is always coming up with play scenarios to act out with Coleman. A big favorite of late has been being chased by the FBI. They pretend to be playing, minding their own business, and Andrew will holler out, "Quick! It's the FBI!" And they jump into the closest vehicle and take off, always escaping just in time. Just like those Duke boys used to. And that has become another favorite make believe. This particular picture was taken just after he hopped through the window of the "General Lee."
For his birthday, Coleman received some money and decided to use it on a helmet and knee pads for his tricycle. We went to Target and picked it out last week. I so wish I had had my camera with me, because he wore the helmet, still with the cardboard surround, all the way through the store and home. It looked hilariously cute. This is the best shot I've been able to get of him wearing it while riding. He absolutely loves zooming around the driveway on his new wheels.
Jonathan has the best time sitting in his pack and play with his Cheerios and toys. I think he really enjoys the change of scenery and watching and listening to his brothers.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Wagon Rides
Santa brought our wagon on Coleman's first Christmas. We still use it a lot, and I know our wagon riding days are far from over. Here are pictures from everyone's first wagon ride.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Touch A Truck
On Saturday, the Parks and Rec hosted a Touch a Truck event. It was held at the stadium parking lot, and I cannot think of a type of truck we didn't see. Here are a lot of pictures from the morning.
Andrew and Coleman were so excited they were like Mexican jumping beans. They could hardly walk, and I know if Brent had turned loose of them, they would have sprinted toward the trucks.

Our first stop was a regular fire truck. Coleman was pointing the way.
Here they are in a UPS truck. The driver was one of Brent's patients. The boys got to climb in and around the truck. The back was empty, but they were fascinated with the idea that it is usually filled with packages for delivery.

There were dump trucks, cement trucks, garbage trucks, a Pepsi truck, every rescue vehicle imaginable, buses, and construction vehicles.
Andrew talking to his "good buddy" while Coleman is trying not to go deaf from all the horn blowing and siren ringing. It was really loud!
Andrew went straight to the back seat and sat down. Coleman followed him back there, but then decided he wanted to drive. The driver was so nice to let him have a seat and even play with the radio.

And bulldozers!
An 18 wheeler had a lift on the back. The driver let the kids ride the lift up, run down the empty trailer, run back, and get a treat from his bag. So fun! Our friend Luke was there too!
One yahoo had to get in on all the horn blowing.
Trying to minimize the ear damage. We had our picture made in front of a Mack truck. There wasn't a Peterbilt in sight though. And yes, they do know the difference, thanks to "Cars."
Andrew and Coleman were so excited they were like Mexican jumping beans. They could hardly walk, and I know if Brent had turned loose of them, they would have sprinted toward the trucks.
Our first stop was a regular fire truck. Coleman was pointing the way.
There were dump trucks, cement trucks, garbage trucks, a Pepsi truck, every rescue vehicle imaginable, buses, and construction vehicles.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A Big Help
I was looking back through our photos to see if there were any that I'd forgotten to post from the summer. I found these few from the last morning we were at the lake. Gigi had been washing dishes while we were packing up and getting ready to go home. Andrew decided that looked like fun, and he would like to help.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Coleman Joe, Age 3
There are so many things about Coleman at 3 that we don't want to forget.

* Coleman is our rooster. He is almost always first out of bed in the mornings, only sometimes beaten awake by Jonathan. His hair at the top of his head sticks straight up, adding to the rooster analogy. He even knows that's his "rooster tail."
*Some of his favorite foods are: mac and cheese, noodles of most any kind (especially when they are on someone else's plate), kiwi (known as wiwi), and "kokwate putting."
*Favorite color has always been green, but now may be changing to blue. He chooses blue a lot more often than green now.
*As soon as he sees Jonathan in the morning, he comes over to him and says, "Good Morning JonJon!" and gives him a big snuggle or hug. He loves that baby so much! If Jonathan is playing in the floor, Coleman is right next to him gently rubbing his back.
*Cole is still our really rough and tumble boy though. He does not shy away from any skirmish. We are finally making progress on the "your-head-is-not-a-weapon" front.
*Favorite activities include: riding his trike; playing outside; painting, markers or any other art project; floor puzzles (I get asked almost daily, "Will you play puzzles wif me?" How can I refuse?) and play-doh.
*When he gets almost finished with a floor puzzle, he'll tell me, "Cwose your eyes!" So I do, mostly, and then when he's put the last piece in place, he says, "Ta Da!" So proud of himself!
*He loves to be a helper. If I am cooking, he tries to drag the step ladder to the kitchen to help. He happily helps with laundry (and there is plenty to go around believe me!). When Brent cuts the grass, nothing makes Coleman happier than to follow along with his mower and then to help with the blower when Brent is finishing up the yard. He even asks for his little blower to be hung up right beside his daddy's in the garage when they finish.
*Coleman loves to read. When we have Family Reading Time at night after supper, he is the first to turn off the tv and dump out the library books. At bedtime, he asks for a wot of books in his bed. He loves our trips to the library each week, and will be getting his own library card this fall.
*Pretending has become his forte. Before, he would gladly participate in Andrew's pretend scenarios, but now he is starting to initiate pretend play on his own. Cowboys, firemen, soldiers, and pirates can all be seen/heard around here on any given day.
*"Jericho" on the Veggie Tales cd is his favorite song.
*He's becoming very aware of fairness issues. Sharing is a big deal right now. Specifically, when someone is not sharing with him. And to Coleman's three year old self, sharing means you should immediately relenquish whatever he is asking for. Fortunately, Andrew is a very good sharer most of the time, and we're never too far away to make sure everyone gets a good, equal turn.
*Coleman loves a good reunion. Whether we've been gone for several hours, like at school, or just a few minutes, like a run to the grocery store, Coleman acts like it's been years since he's seen us. His little face lights up and he comes running to you with arms open wide ready for a big hug. He says our names over and over, as if he can't believe it's really us.
*His speech is getting so much more sophisticated. Last week he started using father and mother instead of daddy and mommy. He still doesn't get everything quite right, though. Figuring out the English language is a lot for a three year old person.
Coleman Joe, we have absolutely loved your first three years! You amaze us with how big you are becoming. We thank God for you every day and can't wait to see what He does with your life.
"This is the LORD's doing. It is marvelous in our eyes."
~Psalm 119:24
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Labor Day
We had a fun Labor Day weekend. Sunday afternoon we were playing outside, and our neighbor walked over and invited us on a boat ride to dinner. We grabbed the life jackets and off we went.

Our neighbors, Brent and Laurie, have a really nice boat and are so kind to let us enjoy it too. Here's Brent F. and Delia driving to dinner.
This is Laurie and Ben with me and Jonathan. She's expecting the "Final Flickinger" as she calls it. Due in December right around Jon Jon's birthday.

Skogie's is a really neat restaurant at one of the marinas here in town. They have a courtesy dock for customers to use while they eat.

Jonathan and Delia were at the head of the table.
Our neighbors, Brent and Laurie, have a really nice boat and are so kind to let us enjoy it too. Here's Brent F. and Delia driving to dinner.
Skogie's is a really neat restaurant at one of the marinas here in town. They have a courtesy dock for customers to use while they eat.
The restaurant is very casual. Lots of folks in bathing suits and coverups. We ate inside the porch, but there is also air conditioning inside, and there are more picnic tables outside. Here are Ben and Coleman waiting on their chicken fingers.
Jonathan and Delia were at the head of the table.
On Monday, we packed a picnic lunch and headed to a new-to-us park in town. It has a very shady playground that we drive past a good bit. The yahoos were super excited to try out a new park. The weather was perfect for an outside adventure.
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